Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Livistona Humilis (terjemah)

Common Names: Nama umum:
Sand Palm Pasir Palm Distribution: Distribusi:
Northern Teritory. Teritory Utara.
Habitat: Habitat:
Tall open lowland forest. Tinggi membuka hutan dataran rendah.
Stocker considers the occurrence of closely related species in the monsoon forest and open Eucalypt forest ( L. benthamii - L. humilis ), supports the hypothesis that the monsoon forest communities are very old communities which were probably well established in Northern Australia before the development of eucalypt dominated open forest communities. Stocker menganggap terjadinya spesies terkait erat di hutan monsoon dan terbuka Eucalypt hutan ( L. benthamii - L. humilis), mendukung hipotesis bahwa masyarakat hutan monsun adalah masyarakat yang sangat tua yang mungkin mapan di Australia Utara sebelum pengembangan eukaliptus didominasi masyarakat hutan terbuka. This would indicate that L. Ini akan menunjukkan bahwa L. humilis has evolved and adapted with the open eucalypt forest though its distribution is still restricted to the higher rainfall areas. humilis telah berevolusi dan beradaptasi dengan hutan eukaliptus terbuka meskipun distribusinya masih terbatas pada daerah curah hujan lebih tinggi. It is nevertheless the most widespread species present in the Northern Territory. Hal ini tetap spesies yang paling luas hadir di Northern Territory.

Figure 1. L. Gambar 1. L. humilis in habitat, Darwin. humilis di habitat, Darwin.

Figure 2. L. Gambar 2. L. humilis humilis
Description: Description:
A small but abundant Livistona with dull green, deeply dividend palmate leaves. Sebuah Livistona kecil tapi berlimpah dengan hijau kusam, sangat palmate dividen daun. The slender trunk is covered in old leaf bases, offering some protection from the frequent grass fires. Batang ramping tercakup dalam basis daun tua, menawarkan beberapa perlindungan dari kebakaran rumput sering. This species will hybridise with L. Spesies ini akan hybridise dengan L. inermis where their ranges overlap. inermis mana rentang mereka tumpang tindih. They are quite spectacular in the savannah woodland around Darwin when their yellow flowers rise well above the crown. Mereka cukup spektakuler di hutan padang rumput di sekitar Darwin ketika bunga-bunga kuning mereka meningkat jauh di atas mahkota. Cultivation: Budidaya:
The black oval fruit should be cleaned and planted in trays. Buah oval hitam harus dibersihkan dan ditanam di nampan. Germination is slow, taking up to 18 months. Perkecambahan lambat, mengambil sampai 18 bulan. Limited experience suggests post-harvest ripening may be necessary. Pengalaman yang terbatas menunjukkan pematangan pasca panen mungkin diperlukan. Seedlings resent disturbance and are very susceptible to fungal attack. Bibit membenci gangguan dan sangat rentan terhadap serangan jamur. Weekly applications of fungicide seem essential, plus excellent air circulation. Aplikasi fungisida mingguan tampaknya penting, ditambah sirkulasi udara sangat baik. Fairly slow growing, they are probably best planted out when palmate leaves develop. Tumbuh cukup lambat, mereka mungkin terbaik ditanam ketika daun palmate berkembang. Planting the seed directly into their permanent position is a successful alternative. Penanaman benih langsung ke posisi permanen mereka adalah alternatif yang sukses. Extreme care is needed when transplanting large specimens, like most Coryphoid palms they dislike shifting. Sangat hati-hati diperlukan saat tanam spesimen besar, seperti telapak tangan Coryphoid kebanyakan mereka tidak menyukai pergeseran.

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